Running is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. It is a cardio exercise that helps lose calories and makes your body stronger
start running


1. Do not Run – Jog!
We cannot stress this enough. When you are new to running you cannot control your pace. So start by walking a bit faster than your normal pace and then reach the level where the fast walking turns to running. Try to keep this pace for a start for as long as you can.

2. When jogging try to control your breathing. It is not easy for a beginner to simultaneously keep the pace and breathe correctly. So when you feel that you are losing your breath, just walk for a bit, before restarting.

3. Typically, your first training sessions should alternate between walking and running. Start with 1 minute walk, followed by 1 minute run at an easy pace. As you progress you should reduce the time of walking and increase the running as it fits you.

4. Set a goal: Having a goal in mind can help you stay motivated and track your progress. You might want to work up to running a certain distance, or set a goal to run a race.

6. Warm up and cool down: Be sure to stretch before and after your runs to help prevent injury. This can include dynamic stretches, such as leg swings and lunges, as well as static stretches, such as calf stretches and quad stretches.

7. Listen to your body: Pay attention to your body’s signals and take breaks when you need them. It’s important to stay hydrated and fuel your body properly before and after your runs.

Have fun: Remember to enjoy the experience and have fun! Running can be a great way to clear your mind, relieve stress, and boost your mood.

start running
Running Gear

BASIC Equipment

  1. Shoes: Investing in a good pair of running shoes is important to help support your feet and prevent injury. Look for shoes that are designed specifically for running and that fit well.
  2. Socks: Wearing moisture-wicking socks can help to keep your feet dry and prevent blisters.
  3. Clothes: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing that allows your skin to breathe and helps to regulate your body temperature. Avoid wearing cotton, as it tends to hold onto sweat and can cause chafing.
  4. Hat or visor: If you are running in the sun, a hat or visor can help to protect your face and eyes from the sun’s rays.
  5. Water bottle or hydration pack: If you are planning on running for more than 30 minutes, it is important to stay hydrated. A water bottle or hydration pack can help to ensure that you have access to water during your run.
  6. Watch or fitness tracker: A watch or fitness tracker can be helpful for tracking your distance, pace, and other metrics.
  7. Reflective gear: If you are running in low light conditions, reflective gear can help to make you more visible to other runners and pedestrians.
  8. Headphones or music player: If you like to listen to music while running, a good pair of headphones or a music player can help to keep you motivated and entertained.


Running primarily exercises the muscles in the lower body, including the:

Quadriceps: These are the muscles at the front of the thigh that are responsible for extending the knee and flexing the hip.

Hamstrings: These are the muscles at the back of the thigh that are responsible for flexing the knee and extending the hip.

Gluteal muscles: These are the muscles in the buttocks that are responsible for extending the hip and rotating the leg outward.

Calves: These are the muscles in the lower leg that are responsible for plantar flexing the foot (pointing the toes downward).

Running also exercises the muscles in the core, including the:

Abdominals: These are the muscles in the front of the torso that are responsible for maintaining posture and stability.

Obliques: These are the muscles on the sides of the torso that are responsible for rotating and side bending the trunk.

Lower back muscles: These are the muscles in the lower part of the back that are responsible for maintaining proper posture and stability.

COMMON Injuries

There are several common injuries that runners may experience, including:
1. Runner’s knee: This is a type of knee pain caused by inflammation of the cartilage on the underside of the kneecap. It is often the result of overuse or improper form.

2. Shin splints: This is a type of pain that occurs in the front of the lower leg, typically along the shinbone (tibia). It is often caused by overuse, particularly if you are running on hard surfaces or if you have flat feet

3. Plantar fasciitis: This is a condition that causes pain in the bottom of the foot, particularly in the heel and arch. It is often the result of overuse or a foot structure that puts added stress on the plantar fascia (a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot).

4. Ankle sprains: This occurs when the ligaments in the ankle are stretched or torn, often as the result of rolling your ankle while running.

5. Stress fractures: These are small cracks that occur in the bones of the foot or lower leg as a result of overuse or overtraining.
If you are experiencing any of these injuries, it is important to rest and seek medical treatment if necessary. In addition, you may want to consider modifying your training routine, such as reducing your mileage or running on softer surfaces, to help prevent further injuries.

Buying GUIDE

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