How to Keep Running on Vacation: Tips for Beginner Runners


Vacations are a time for relaxation, exploration, and can also be a perfect opportunity to maintain or even enhance your running routine. Running on vacation doesn’t just keep you fit; it allows you to explore new surroundings in an intimate, invigorating way. For beginner runners, keeping up with training in a new environment can be both exciting and challenging. Here’s how you can be best prepared, schedule your runs, and gather useful tips to ensure that your vacation running is both enjoyable and effective.

1. Pack Smart

Before you set off on your vacation, make sure you pack all the essentials for running. This includes your running shoes, appropriate clothing for the climate of your destination, a water bottle, and perhaps a running belt or small backpack. Don’t forget your watch or fitness tracker to keep tabs on your distance and pace as well as its charger!

2. Scout Your Location

Once you know where you’re going, do a little research to find suitable running routes. Websites like MapMyRun or Strava are great resources, where you can find popular routes other runners have used. Look for parks, beachfront promenades, or even scenic city routes that are safe and runner-friendly. Checking out the terrain and elevation can help you avoid any unwelcome surprises.

3. Schedule Your Runs

Vacation schedules can be unpredictable, but setting a time for your runs can help ensure they actually happen. Morning runs are ideal because they’re usually cooler and leave you with the rest of the day free for other activities. Plus, starting your day with a run can be incredibly invigorating and sets a positive tone for the day. If mornings aren’t feasible, look for other consistent gaps in your itinerary, like late afternoons before dinner.

4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished

Keep in mind that you might be in a different climate that your body isn’t used to. If you’re in a warmer or more humid place than usual, it’s crucial to stay well-hydrated. Drink water throughout the day, not just during your run. Adjust your diet slightly to include more carbohydrates if you’re planning longer runs, and always have a small, energizing snack before you head out, like a banana or a granola bar.

running on vacation

5. Be Flexible

While it’s good to have a plan, flexibility is key on vacation. You might find that some days are too packed with activities or travel, and that’s okay. It’s better to skip a run than to try and squeeze it in and not enjoy it. Be open to adjusting your running schedule to fit your vacation plans.

6. Safety First

Always let someone know where you’re going when you head out for a run, especially in a new place. Carry a phone with you in case of emergencies. Be aware of your surroundings, stick to populated routes, and follow local traffic rules.

7. Turn Runs into Adventures

Use your runs as a way to explore parts of your destination that you might not otherwise visit. Running in a new city or landscape can be an adventure in itself. Take photos, make stops at interesting sites, and enjoy the experience of discovering a place on foot.

8. Relax and Enjoy

Finally, remember that you’re on vacation! Running should feel like a fun addition to your trip, not a chore. Don’t stress about maintaining exact speeds or distances that you do at home. Instead, use this time to enjoy running in a new environment, with all the unique sights and sounds it has to offer. Just do your easy runs to feel that you are not getting out of shape. No need to stress for more.

Running on vacation can enhance your travel experience, helping you see the world from a unique perspective while keeping you active. With a little preparation and flexibility, you can make sure that your running routine remains a joyful part of your travels.

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