How not to lose motivation


When we start a new sport we always get excited. We search the internet for beginner tips, we purchase the necessary gear and we plan our schedule in order to make room for the new activity. If the sport requires it, we also commit to a coach and their practice schedule. Although we start committed to pursue this new activity, more often than not, we lose our motivation along the way. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, staying motivated is key to achieving your goals and reaching your full potential. Luckily there are several strategies that will help you stay focused and motivated on your goal.

  1. Set realistic goals: When you are a beginner, you may dream of reaching high performance very quickly if you train hard enough. This is a mistake. Take your time to build the necessary skills and endurance to achieve your end goals. In the meantime, try to set small and achievable goals. For example, in running or swimming try to increase your weekly kilometers by no more than 20% every two weeks. This will give you something to work towards and help you stay motivated.
  2. Tracking your progress: One of the best ways to stay motivated is to track your progress. As you progress, you will see positive changes in your performance and on your body that will keep you energized to keep going. Maybe you can also set up a reward system when you reach a milestone you have set.
  3. Schedule your workouts: Consistency is key to making progress and achieving your goals. Set a schedule and stick to it, even when you don’t feel like it, push yourself to do it. Maybe you can set weekly goals as weekly hours that you will practice in order to have the flexibility to postpone a workout for another day,
  4. Mix it up: Doing a exercise routine over and over again can cause boredom or burnout. Try different training methods, switch up your routine, and try new activities to keep things interesting. For example, in cycling you can focus one practise in interval training and other focus on uphill routes.
  5. Find a support system: If you are not a loner, try to find a workout buddy. It will help you keep your schedule and stay on track with your goals.

Quotes to keep you motivated:

  • All limitations are self-imposed
  • One workout at a time. One day at a time. One meal at a time.
  • If you’re tired of staring over, then stop giving up.
  • It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it in the end.
  • If you wait for the perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.

In conclusion, starting a new sport can be challenging, but it’s important to stay motivated in order to achieve your goals. By setting realistic goals, finding a support system, keeping your training schedule, mixing it up, rewarding yourself and overall by staying consistent and enjoying the results, you can stay motivated and reach your full potential.

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