The Benefits (and Myths) of Chewing Gum During Workout

chewing gum during workout

Have you ever noticed that when you see athletes at the top of their game, whether on the field, the court or in the gym, many of them are chewing gum? It’s a curious habit, isn’t it? It’s not just a random thing; it’s a conscious decision made by some of the world’s top athletes. But why do they chew gum during workout? Is there a hidden benefit, or is it just a placebo effect? Let’s explore the science and psychology behind this habit and see how it can help you in your workouts.

The Psychological Aspect: Focus and Stress Reduction

Athletes often turn to gum as a helpful tool during their performances. It can be a great way to keep your focus and manage stress. It’s thought that chewing gum can help to make you feel more alert, concentrate better and reduce anxiety. The soothing rhythm of chewing can be a great way to calm your nerves, especially when you’re facing a big moment like a game or a challenging lift.

How It Helps:

  • Increased Focus: Chewing gum has been shown to boost cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain. This can help athletes maintain concentration during long, intense performances.
  • Stress Reduction: The repetitive motion of chewing may lower cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress, helping athletes stay calm under pressure.
chewing gum during workout

Enhanced Coordination and Reaction Time

Some athletes find that chewing gum can help them to improve their motor skills, particularly their coordination and reaction time. This is partly because chewing is a lovely, relaxing activity that stimulates the brain, keeping it more alert and potentially sharpening reflexes.

How It Helps:

  • Improved Reaction Time: Some research suggests that the continuous motion of chewing can lead to faster reaction times, which is crucial in sports where split-second decisions make a difference.
  • Better Hand-Eye Coordination: For sports that require precision, like tennis or baseball, chewing gum might help maintain steady hand-eye coordination.

Saliva Production and Hydration

Another great reason for athletes to chew gum is to help keep their saliva production up. We all know how important it is to stay hydrated when you’re working out, especially in hot conditions! Chewing gum is a great way to keep your mouth nice and moist, which helps to prevent dry mouth and makes it easier to breathe and stay comfortable during intense activity.

How It Helps:

  • Prevents Dry Mouth: More saliva keeps your mouth moist, which can be particularly useful during cardio-intensive activities.
  • Aids in Hydration: While it’s not a replacement for water, increased saliva production can make it easier to swallow and digest, maintaining comfort during long workouts.

The No-Benefit Perspective: Potential Downsides

While we have established that there are some great benefits, we understand that not everyone is convinced that chewing gum during exercise is a good idea. Some argue that the benefits are mostly psychological, and in some cases, gum can even be a distraction or hazard.

What to Watch Out For:

  • Distraction: For some athletes, chewing gum can become a distraction, particularly if it disrupts breathing patterns or concentration. For example, for me I find that it distracts me when I do a high intensity workout.
  • Choking Hazard: Although rare, there’s always a small risk of choking on gum, especially during high-intensity workouts where heavy breathing is involved.
  • Jaw Fatigue: Chewing gum for extended periods might lead to jaw fatigue or discomfort, which can be particularly bothersome during long workouts or competitions.

Should You Chew Gum While Working Out?

The decision to chew gum while working out is ultimately a personal one. If you find that it helps you stay focused, calm, and hydrated, then it could be a great addition to your routine. However, if you’re prone to distraction or discomfort, it might be best to skip it.

Tips for Trying It Out:

  • Start Small: Try chewing gum during a light workout or practice session to see how it affects you.
  • Choose Sugar-Free Gum: To avoid added calories and the risk of tooth decay, opt for sugar-free gum.
  • Stay Mindful: Pay attention to how your body and mind react. If you notice any negative effects, it might be better to save the gum for post-workout relaxation.

Conclusion: Is It Worth It?

Chewing gum during workouts and performances is more than just a trend—there’s real science and psychology behind it. From helping you to focus and relax to improving your coordination and keeping your mouth moist, there are so many benefits for athletes. However, as with any fitness habit, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Ultimately, whether you choose to chew gum while working out is down to your own experience and comfort.

Next time you’re at the gym or out on the field, why not give it a go? You never know, a simple piece of gum might just give you the boost you’ve been looking for!

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