Start Cycling as An Adult: Tips for Novice Cyclists

Starting cycling from the absolutely beginning can be daunting. If you’re an absolute beginner and have never ridden a bike before, it’s understandable that fear may undermines your attempt! Learning to ride can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Apart from being a beneficial and low impact exercise, it will help you explore nature and your surroundings in a different way. Follow these steps to build the foundation for your cycling journey:

1. Get Comfortable on Your Bike

Before you start riding, get familiar with your bike. Adjust the seat height for feet to touch the ground while sitting. Practice sitting on the saddle, holding the handlebars, and getting on/off safely. Lower the seat height initially in order to increase your confidence, before adjusting to the correct position for straight knee pedaling.

2. Find a Safe Learning Area

Choose a spacious, flat, and traffic-free area to practice riding. An empty parking lot, a quiet park, or a wide, smooth pathway are ideal places to start. Don’t forget to always wear your helmet.

3. Learn to Balance

Balancing is fundamental to riding a bike. Begin by straddling the bike with both feet on the ground. Push yourself forward, lift your feet off the ground, and try to coast for a few seconds. Repeat this process until you feel comfortable maintaining balance. Here is a comprehensive video for a step by step guide on how to start. If you need more assistance you can use wheel stabilizers that will give you the confidence to improve your balance.

start cycling as an adult

4. Gradually Introduce Pedaling

Once you feel confident with balancing, introduce pedaling. Start by pushing off with your feet and placing them on the pedals while continuing to coast. Practice this motion until you’re comfortable with the movement.

5. Start Slow and Steady

Take things at your own pace. Start with short rides, and gradually increase the duration as your confidence grows. Remember, it’s okay to take breaks and rest when needed.

6. Seek Assistance if Needed

Enlist the help of a friend or family member who can provide support and guidance during your initial rides. Having someone to hold the back of the bike or offer encouragement can boost your confidence.

7. Focus on a Fixed Point

When riding, keep your eyes focused on a fixed point ahead, such as a tree or a pole. This helps maintain stability and prevents unnecessary wobbling.

8. Embrace Mistakes

Don’t be discouraged by mistakes or wobbles – they’re a natural part of the learning process. Every cyclist, including experienced riders, has faced similar challenges when starting.

9. Practice Regularly

Consistent practice is key to mastering any skill. Try to ride regularly, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day. The more you ride, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become.

With determination and practice, you’ll soon be pedaling with ease and enjoying the many joys of cycling. Embrace the learning process, and remember that every journey begins with the first pedal stroke. Happy cycling!

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