Training in the Heat : Top Tips for Beating the Hot Weather

kids playing sports in heat

When the summer sun is blazing and the temperature soars, it can be challenging to maintain an effective workout routine. However, with a few smart strategies and a little bit of planning, you can turn the heat to your advantage and make the most out of your training sessions. In this blog post, we’ll share some practical tips and tricks to help you stay cool, energised, and motivated while training in the heat.

Early Bird or Night Owl: When to Train in the Heat

The burning midday heat can be brutal, so consider adjusting your workout schedule to early morning or late evening hours. By exercising during cooler periods, you’ll minimize the risk of heat exhaustion and enjoy more comfortable training conditions.

Staying Hydrated During Summer Workouts

Staying hydrated is crucial when training in hot weather. Remember to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout sessions. Aim to consume at least 470 – 600 ml (or 16-20 ounces) of water 1-2 hours before exercising and keep a water bottle handy throughout your training to replenish lost fluids. Also consider enhancing your intake with electrolytes for better results.

Dressing Right for Hot Weather Training

Choose lightweight, breathable, and moisture-wicking fabrics to help regulate your body temperature during workouts. Opt for light-colored clothing that reflects heat rather than absorbing it. The difference in the heat absorption between dark and light colored can reach more than 15 degrees Celsius. Additionally, don’t forget a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.

Body Talk: Recognising Signs of Heat Exhaustion During Training

Training in the heat can be more demanding on your body, so pay close attention to how you feel. If you experience dizziness, nausea, or excessive fatigue, take a break, find shade, and rehydrate. Pushing yourself too hard in extreme temperatures can lead to heatstroke or other heat-related illnesses.

Flexibility is the Key

Be flexible with your workout intensity and duration when training in the heat. Your body will naturally have to work harder to cool down, so consider reducing the intensity or shortening the duration of your workouts. It’s better to listen to your body’s limits and avoid overexertion.

Training in Heat

Exploring Shaded Routes and Indoor Alternatives

If possible, choose shaded areas or paths with natural airflow for outdoor workouts. Best options will be parks with a lot of trees or forests. Furthermore, consider exploring indoor options like air-conditioned gyms or fitness centers during extreme heatwaves. Cross-training activities such as swimming, yoga or bodyweight exercises can provide a refreshing change while keeping you active.

Don’t let the summer heat dampen your training spirits! With these tips, you can tackle workouts in hot weather like a pro. Remember, it’s essential to prioritise safety, stay hydrated, and listen to your body’s cues. By adapting your training routine to the heat, you’ll not only maintain your fitness but also develop resilience and conquer new challenges in any weather conditions.

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